Making a Supermassive Star in EEVEE

I’ve been working on this texture for the gassy plasma-ish surface of a star for a long time, and it’s finally done.

Inspired by DLC art from BO4 Zombies:

Image result for cod zombies revelations

Maybe I’ll work on flares next

This is a short speedmodel, and there isn’t much to it. I animated the location of the texture coordinate, so the texture would appear to move though the model was stationary.

The star’s texture nodegroup

The particle texture nodegroup

The scene is made in EEVEE, with standard motion blur, depth of field, and bloom, and the camera moving towards the star is what causes the motion blur to activate.

There are a few forcefields applied to the particle system centred on the star, the most important of which is turbulence.

The scene in realtime! EEVEE is great.

The starry night node setup for the background shader.

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