Atropos - Log #0

I’m going to go with the zero-indexing convention for these logs, mostly because I’ve gotten used to it from writing so many arrays.

I’ll keep the video logs on my Youtube channel. See the first one here: [youtube-devlog](

Some progress has been made, both development-wise and concept-wise:


  1. Built menus/UI framework for future additions
  2. Made a TON of icons
  3. Painted a few asteriods
  4. Revamped UI design to improve flexibility and remove some breathtakingly dumb design on my part.
  5. Made functional building upgrades and have listed several more on paper



  1. Trying to figure out how to fit together the production/conquering/research loop is getting a little complicated
  2. Item cost/upgrade effects have been partially put in a spreadsheet
  3. Attack/defense is complicated - the mechanics of which I will probably make a simple greater than/less than test
  4.  Defense is unfathomable. I am reluctant to try to write an AI for this game and balance it because that will likely add about 10 hours to the dev time for this and I’d like to get this finished over the summer
  5. I got a notebook to write all this in with grid paper, instead of lined, which is awesome for sketching out mobile screens and putting up notes on the same page.



  • The Red Rising series by Pierce Brown. Social insurrection in space and “Rubicon Beacons” are amazing ideas. I just finished Iron Gold a few hours ago and I really enjoyed it. (Red Rising Series)
  • FTL - A pretty awesome space-based roguelite RTS thing. I still haven’t beaten it, but the ideas for random events and combat are interesting.
  • Civilization V - The strategy and tech-tree style is something I’d like to borrow elements from. Also it’s heaps of fun with friends.

I’ll be back soon with more!

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