Atropos – Log #1

So I’ve made a few tweaks this week, though I have been somewhat busy with my data management course:

  1. Added 6 more exotic-sounding items to buy from the shop. They are literally random words I put together from a scifi dictionary and wikipedia, so excuse me if they make no sense. scrnd
  2. Made a spreadsheet to figure out the proper cost/resource scaling of the items along with how the research progression is going to work
  3. Made a working slider for the research stages and added “locks” on items behind a research gate. - The lock graphic is kinda sunset(?)-colored. Likely to be replaced in the future or at least animated with some sort of sheen.lock_1.png
  4. UI tweaks to make it look more industrial and chrome-ish, though I think I might start heading towards a Transistor graphic style for the UI (Great game, by the way)


I will get started on the whole attack/assault ship building side of the game next week, and also hopefully get a “map” of sorts up to navigate between planets.

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