BBT Tap Log #2

This video shows the process of making a pixel art background for my game. I put some background information as on screen captions showing my thoughts throughout. It’s sped up by 4x.

The thing about pixel art is that it is incredibly deliberate. Unlike painting, you can’t put random brush strokes everywhere. You have to put each pixel in place, individually, and keep in mind constantly how the whole thing looks.

Making textures is pretty difficult, especially while working with such a small canvas, so it’s something I’m working on.

(Unsponsored plug) The software I’ve been using is called ASEPRITE, and it’s a really great pixel art tool, probably the best out there. It supports animation and layer based editing among other things. It has a ton of really useful tools too, all for the price of $15 USD (or less, if it’s on sale).

If you want to get into pixel art, this is a great deal, and you should check it out at

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