Atropos Devlog #7

So, the game’s pretty much done. There’s a title screen now and a simple slideshow-style tutorial. I just have to fix some bugs, and maybe put in some ads, and this will be ready for publishing. I hope very much that the next one of these will be the trailer for my game!

Atropos Devlog #6

Hi to the two of you who actually might look at this, so I’ve made some considerable progress this past week. I thought I’d be done, but it turns out I still have a bit to do left, most notably some game balancing and writing. This week, I’ve accomplished: Saving/Loading mechanism [Not nearly as hard this time around, but still added ~500 lines to my ~1500 lines of total code] A string formatter for long lines of code Settings panel complete with volume and exit buttons Statistics panel with some basic readouts - the UI for these two panels needs some work…

Atropos Log #5

The penultimate (I hope) update: It’s been a loooooong road, but I’m finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. This week, some important updates: Content! Added 12 more items (Doubled the amount) and reskinned the 3 Added 7 more ships (Tripled the amount) Put in all the planets Fixed the lock system - now it uses simple silhouettes, and is soo much less ugly Planets can be destroyed now!

Atropos Log #4

^ Demo Video So this week, I’ve implemented the last mechanic - combat! It’s really simple: A small amount of damage is applied to the next planet in line to be destroyed depending on your total AP. You can also send out bombardments (rewards for finishing quests) to do a percentage damage to the planet. UI has been improved greatly: ^The bombardment button! It looks kinda weird but that’s alright with me :)

Atropos Log #3

Hi all, I’m back from my break. This week, I’ve created most notably the SHIPMENT system, which procedurally generates challenges based on building and resource acquisition to add more of a focus to the game. I’ve also cleaned up the UI a ton, and it’s a lot less tiresome to look at, though there’s definitely still work to be done. Plus, there’s special effects for the weird orbiting blue satellite thing, and now the planet emits coin icons when tapping it.

Atropos - Log #2

Hi all! I’ve made a little more progress this week, especially by totally revamping the UI. [Video Log!] What used to be an ugly selection of ~5 different popup panels each with individual popup buttons connected to a main button to a single panel with everything in it! Also, there’s a map system that is very very incomplete, and I’ve added some sound effects and music! They’re a little too loud and poorly calibrated and redundantly programmed (I wrote a script to play sound effects but I didn’t know that was a built in function of Unity’s buttons until after :p)

Atropos – Log #1

So I’ve made a few tweaks this week, though I have been somewhat busy with my data management course: Added 6 more exotic-sounding items to buy from the shop. They are literally random words I put together from a scifi dictionary and wikipedia, so excuse me if they make no sense.  Made a spreadsheet to figure out the proper cost/resource scaling of the items along with how the research progression is going to work Made a working slider for the research stages and added “locks” on items behind a research gate.

Atropos - Log #0

I’m going to go with the zero-indexing convention for these logs, mostly because I’ve gotten used to it from writing so many arrays. I’ll keep the video logs on my Youtube channel. See the first one here: [youtube-devlog]( Some progress has been made, both development-wise and concept-wise: Development: Built menus/UI framework for future additions Made a TON of icons Painted a few asteriods Revamped UI design to improve flexibility and remove some breathtakingly dumb design on my part.

Had we but world enough, and time ...

Hi internet! Welcome to my blog. I’m going to be using this to showcase some of my work doing 3D art with Blender, as well as leaving something of a devlog for the games that I am working on in Unity. As I start this, summer has just begun. It is a beautiful morning outside, bright and cloudless. Maybe it’s a sign of something. It’s best to strike the iron while it’s hot, or so they say, so I figure I should start this blog today.

Atropos - Another Idle game

Atropos will be my first project for the summer. It’s an idle game about being in command of the supply side of the insurgency - a rebel group fighting the imperious government in control of the solar system. You make your way from the outer Kuiper belt towards the core, while liberating planets, researching new production and offensive technologies, building an unstoppable fleet of assault ships, and mining exotic materials from the celestial bodies you come across.